Walking my pups today, a Great Blue Heron inspired me. I watched as she flew out to sea, majestic and silent. She was the only thing in the dove gray sky. My heart filled with her healing touch, love washed over me in a swift embrace. What is this love, this embrace?
I find love everywhere. It’s flowing all around me. As I move through personal transformation, I see the love in all the nooks and crannies. Careful patience and openness has been gifting me with the beginnings of my new life here on the island. My work is opening, the flow is happening. Patience is the key.
How do you embrace the love? I find myself appreciating the sweet little things each day. I found a shell on our walk today, a large snail shell. The way the dim light struck it, the spiral pattern looked like a rainbow. Picking it up, only white and gray were revealed. I tucked it in my pocket because rainbows don’t happen every day. My gratitude opens to love. My client yesterday offered her favorite cookie as a thank you for my service. What a sweet and delicious symbol for my heart-centered presence. Such a simple gesture — when I am present with my healing gifts, allowing and listening, offering without questioning, life aligns with my being.
There is a magical flow here on the island. It’s as if the ancestors are embracing me; baskets are filled, abundance is gifted. My days slip by with tailings of love, each person I meet, each client I touch, each stroke of my paint brush. I am blessed. Perhaps that is the simplest way to understand love, by feeling the healing presence of each and every blessing in our lives.
And so it is on this Happy Valentine’s Day that I feel the gratitude, feel the blessings, am awed at my Valentine wedded parents celebrating their 62nd year together. Commitment, patience, embracing abundance, I embrace the Love.