
The new year has come and I personally have found myself struggling to connect with 2017. In my reflections, the theme that presents itself for this month of January is Acceptance. The holidays of 2016 had elements of loss for me, moving through a new phase of my life, a new phase of my family and children’s lives. Soon this month, America will have a new president and this too feels like a loss. In misfortune, however, there is growth and in growth I find a need to embrace acceptance.

I heard an interesting discussion on a program I was watching last night, two women discussing the unknown future. One said, “The future is dark (meaning unseen, not bleak), so to live life is to bring the Light into the day.” I feel a lot of this uncertainty in the future. The upcoming change in leadership of our country affects me on a deep and visceral level every day. I struggle to not let fear and confusion overtake the Light I wish to bring to my life and to the lives of others. Again, acceptance comes forward, acceptance of what I cannot change.

When I think about acceptance, it can sometimes feel like a giving away that is, to accept means I am not really getting everything I want and desire. There can be truth to that — yet when I look at the larger picture, acceptance can bring harmony, solace and peace. It can change my focus from loss of control and neediness to gratitude and grace. I read a book years ago, about forgiveness. It looked at forgiveness from a different perspective than other popular books and theories (i.e. in order to move on in one’s life, one must forgive). It focused instead on acceptance; forgiveness isn’t always necessary and sometimes it is a lie to one’s self. Acceptance on the other hand is a truth that can be embraced. Truly accepting hurt and harm that has come my way and being present with the understanding of it, brings peace, growth and release.

So, coming full circle, I am willing to accept my new personal chapter as well as this current consciousness that weighs heavy on my heart for our country and my fellow Americans. I accept this is a chapter for growth that is still in the darkness. In my acceptance, I am empowered to be present, to be vigilant in my convictions of what is the Light that I can bring to each day. This power cannot be taken from me. There is healing in acceptance. It is a place of strength to be aware and watchful, to seek to understand, to be ready to put pieces back together when needed, to bring the Light and my healing touch to all I do and to all I meet.

I send blessings to everyone as we move through this new chapter of personal and collective growth. The future is dark, but with acceptance, we can choose to bring Light into the day.

In this Light we will build unity and oneness.