The Power of Inaction

We all have goals, dreams and desires we wish to manifest in our lives. I have a process of manifestation I have found to be extremely helpful that I call The Triad of Manifestation. The triad consists of ACTION, INACTION and INTERACTION.  I have been reflecting recently on several of my own intentions and specifically on the power of INACTION. What could possibly be powerful about inaction you might ask? Let’s explore ….

I have been instructed all my life in order to achieve goals, I must take action. Yes, this is true, there is an element of action required in manifestation. Yet does action require that I am committed to my goal, that I take responsibility for my goal? It can appear that way on the surface but what does it take for a goal to come from my inner core, be sustainable and manifest to its fullest potential? One important step towards feeling a goal from my innermost self is changing my language from goal, dream, desire to “intention.” There is nothing wrong with having goals, dreams and desires, don’t get me wrong … this is where it all begins. I have found for myself, however, that intention brings commitment and responsibility which comes from a different place within me. The active synonyms for intention help illustrate: intent, intentionality, deliberateness, design, calculation, meaning, premeditation, forethought, preplanning. I understand the power of putting my intention into action. Taking specific steps, making plans, organizing is all part of how I take action. So, is that all it takes? Let’s look more closely at another element of the triad, interaction.

I have several confidantes that help me in my interaction towards manifestation. I am often surprised at the depth of understanding I receive when I share my intentions with others. I am not extroverted, and as a modest introvert, interacting with others, verbalizing my intentions often takes courage. Others can have a more objective view and those that I trust always guide me with insight as well as challenging my viewpoint. I had a wonderful experience just this week with a colleague who has only known me this last year. She challenged my thought process in a way to tell me I was still living with an outdated image of myself … she only knows me for how I show up today … this helped me to see that I was holding on to a version of my story, a version of myself, that no longer exists. It was very inspiring and brought me into the present with my intention. Interaction with others can be so helpful, whether one-on-one or in a group. My other processes of interaction include my journal, Hidden Language Hatha Yoga, meditation and reflection. These two legs of the triad probably make sense to you, now what about this inaction element … what could possibly be powerful about inaction?

When I began my journey with yoga over 25 years ago, I struggled with the word surrender. It seemed like such a passive word, a weakness, a place of giving away with no power. Over my years of reflection, growth and maturity, I have come to embrace surrender and all it has to offer. Surrender, faith, trust …. These are the powers of inaction. The third and most forgotten element of the manifestation triad, inaction, is one of strength of spirit. When I completely surrender to my intention, when I have faith and trust in all the aspects that often are beyond my conscious understanding, I fulfill the triad. This comes from the deepest part of who I am, I feel the vibrations of it in my heart center. It is a surrender to that which is out of my control yet operates only when I trust it to be. Accepting that my innate wisdom is as important as my conscious mind and allowing this to be present in my intention allows it to manifest.  Are you able to trust in a higher process that you don’t consciously control? Are you able to allow your will to radiate from a subconscious place? If you are curious how this works in your own life, with respect to your own intentions, I invite you to participate in the following mediation.

~with love and blessings~

The Triad of Manifestation Reflection – allow 15-30 minutes

Sit quietly in a chair, spine straight, left ankle crossed over your right ankle with hands resting on your thighs or cupped gently together in your lap, palms facing upwards. Close your eyes and take three slow deep breaths.

Now bring to mind your Intention. Whether it be a word, a phrase or an image, bring it fully into your mind. Feel your intention radiate throughout your body. Let it consume you.

1.      Bring the word ACTION into your reflection. How do you take ACTION on your Intention? Reflect for several minutes. Write down your thoughts.

Close your eyes. Feel your Intention in your heart center, surrender to your intention. Place your hands on your heart center if you desire.

2.      Bring the word INACTION into your reflection. How to you take INACTION on your Intention? What is the power of INACTION? Reflect for several minutes. Write down your thoughts.

Close your eyes. Feel your Intention radiating outward from your body, feel it returning. Turn your palms outward in a gesture of giving and receiving if you desire.

3.      Bring the word INTERACTION into your reflection. How do you bring INTERACTION into your Intention? Reflect for several minutes. Write down your thoughts.

Close by resting your hands gently on your heart center. Feel gratitude and love for the information that has been received, for your insights and willingness to go within.